- Вт, 20:17: Today Yulia Stadnichuk will go live on POLITICS 2.0 YouTube channel to give a brief outlook of POLITICS 2.0 activities and the situation in Russia. Please join us at https://t.co/xl7BDu9wA4 October 19th, 10:00 PM Msk
- Вт, 21:18: Attention! POLITICS 2.0 video with the information about our appeal to the UN has been deleted by the YouTube administration! We cant hold livestreams on our YT channel for a week so we are temporarily moving to our Instagram account https://t.co/PTSh6sEcrO today at 10:00 PM Msk
- Вт, 22:06: ПОЛИТИКУ 2.0 забанили на YouTube – переходим в Instagram https://t.co/rCR9J5eJgP
POLITICS 2.0 about the situation in Russia
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ПОЛИТИКА 2.0: Катя Шульман – робкий пи́нгвин...
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